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Notice of Check-out Arrangements for Graduating International Students in the 2021 Spring Semester





In order to carry out the check-out for spring semester graduating interational students in an orderly way, based on current epidemic prevention and control situation and needs of the graduating students, the university, upon deliberation, has decided to complete the check-out work for international students graduating in the Spring semester 2021 by July 4, 2021. Detailed arrangements are as follows.

Situation I: Check-out for graduating students who are on campus


Graduating students who are currently living on campus should take their passport, accommodation fee payment receipt (for self-paying students) and room card (or room key) to the General Service Desk of International Student Apartments, Zijing Building 19, to check out before 14:00 on July 4, 2021.

Situation II: Check-out for graduating students who can not return to campus


Graduating students who can not return to campus can entrust another individual to handle the check-out formalities, including the packing and sending of his/her personal belongings and fee-settlement. The specific process is as follows:

1. 委托人(毕业生)找到被委托人后,签署授权委托书(见附件一),将签名后的电子版委托书提交给院系学生组或研工组,进行认证备案。如同学找不到合适的受委托人,可向院系提出申请,由院系协助确定。

1. After the truster (graduating student) confirms a trustee (entrusted individual), they should submit the signed electronic Letter of Authorization (please refer to Attachment 1) to the Undergraduate/Graduate students affairs team of their school/department for approval and filing. If students cannot find a suitable trustee, they can apply to their school or department to request assistance.

2. 院系至少提前一天将审核通过的毕业生和被委托人信息告知学生社区中心,被委托人在约定的时间凭个人身份证件原件、毕业生身份证件首页复印件(身份信息页)、委托书前往国际学生公寓办理退宿手续。如被委托人需要,学生社区中心可免费提供打包纸箱。

2. The school/department informs the Student Community Management & Service Center of the approved graduating student application and information of their trustee at least one day in advance of their planned check-out date. At the appointed time, the trustee should carry the letter of authorization (please refer to Attachment 1) and his/her original valid identity document and a copy of the truster’s (the graduating student) valid identity document to complete the check-out procedures at International Student Apartments. The Student Community Management & Service Center can provide free cardboard boxes to the trustee if required.

3. 打包完成后,被委托人可自愿选择学生社区内现有的DHL(紫荆九号楼)和EMS(C楼邮局)两家快递公司完成打包物品的境外寄送。(详细信息请见后文“行李托运参考信息”)

3. After packing, the trustee can voluntarily choose two Shipping companies: DHL (Zijing Building No. 9) or EMS (post office of Building C) in the student community to complete overseas delivery. For more information, please refer to "Luggage Handling Reference Information" below.

4. 如被委托人为校外人员,毕业生须首先向院系提出校外人员(车辆)入校申请,获得批准后,被委托人按指定日期来校办理退宿手续(校外亲友入校时需满足学校疫情防控规定的健康条件,出示健康码等信息),完成退宿后需尽快离校。

4. If the trustee is an off-campus personnel, the graduating student must first apply to the school/department for the entry of personnel (vehicle) from outside the campus, and after approval, they can come to the university to handle the check-out procedures on the appointed date. Off-campus personnel (including friends and relatives) need to satisfy the health conditions stipulated in University's epidemic prevention and control regulations, and present their Health Code and other information. They should promptly depart the campus once they have completed check-out formalities.

5. 毕业生如决定放弃房间内所有个人物品,并委托公寓代为处理,请填写附件二《放弃物品声明》后,提交到国际学生公寓邮箱(即可,无需再填写授权委托书。

5. Graduating students who decide to give up all their personal belongings in his/her room and entrust the apartment to deal with them should fill in Attachment 2 "Declaration of Giving up Belongings" and submit it to this email address ( Then there is no need to fill in the letter of authorization.

Situation III: Graduating students who have been admitted to Tsinghua University as a Fall semester new student


For international students who will graduate (or complete their studies) in the Spring Semester of 2021 and have been admitted to the University as a new student in Fall semester: if they have confirmed that they will continue to study in the University and need to extend the accommodation during the summer vacation, before June 22, 2021, they should apply for extension of accommodation at the General Service Desk of Zijing Building 19 with proof of university admission. Students who are not able to return to campus should send proof of university admission to to apply for extension of accommodation.

Graduating students are required to abide by university regulations on epidemic prevention and control when checking-out of the dormitory. If you have any questions about checking-out, please contact the General Service Desk of International Student Apartments:

电话(Phone):86-10-51535501或 (or) 86-10-51535500 (北京时间Beijing Time 07:00-22:00)



Student Affairs Department
Graduate Affairs Department
International Students & Scholars Center
Student Community Management & Service Center
June 11, 2021


Luggage Handling Reference Information

1. 托运商(Shipping company):DHL
办理地点(Place of handling):紫荆九号楼Zijing Building 9
联系电话(Services telephone):62797058
工作时间(Operating time):9:00-16:00 (周一至周五)(Monday-Friday)

2. 托运商(Shipping company):EMS
办理地点(Place of handling):C楼邮局 (C building, Post Office)
联系电话(Services telephone):18519364435
工作时间(Operating time):11:00-17:30(周一至周日)(Monday-Sunday)

The Student Community Management & Service Center will inform graduating students of related information regarding the centralized handling location of luggage in the international student apartments area once related details are confirmed.

附件1:行李打包、费用结算、退宿办理委托书   Letter of Authorization for packing of belongings, fee settlement and check-out procedures  >>

附件2:放弃物品声明  Statement  >>
