Health Safety and Wellbeing
Social Insurance (For Scholars)

Foreigners working in China with Work Permits need to participate Chinese social insurance, and benefit in accordance with the law. The insurance includes basic retirement insurance benefits, basic medical insurance, work injury insurance, unemployment insurance and maternity insurance. In Tsinghua, the social insurance is processed by the Human Resource Office. Foreigners covered in the social insurance system shall be entitled to social benefits in accordance with the law once the qualifying conditions are met.

Leaving China:

1) Foreigners who leave China before reaching the statutory pension age and plans to return at some stage in the future, their social insurance individual account can be kept, and reactivated once returning to China, upon written application to close the social insurance account from the person in question, the proceeds in the individual account can be paid lump-sum to the said person.

2) Foreigners who leave China and do not intend to return should contact the Human Resources Office to request for their previously extracted portions of their salary, such as retirement or housing insurance can be transferred to them before departure.
