For International Students
Important points to note 注意事项

1. International students must accord with the regulations set in place by the Ministry of Education and the Exit-entry Administration of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, that require international students to hold either an X1 visa, X2 study visa or a Study-type Residence Permit whilst studying in China. International students holding other types of visas whilst at the university, may be unable to undertake their regular studies and will themselves bear all related consequences.

2. The validity of a visa or residence permit for an international student will not exceed the period of his/her study.

3. If a newly admitted students’ visa or residence permit has expired or will expire in too short a time to process any application of extension, they will not be accepted for admission and will be responsible for all related consequences.

4. For international students holding visas or residence permits issued by other universities or colleges in China, they mustprovide the certificates of study completion or transfer issued by their former university or college.

5. For international students who live in a hotel, or on-campus apartments, they should obtain a Registration Form of Temporary Residence from their building’s reception within 24 hours of arrival in China.

For international students who live with local residents, in foreign institutions in China, or in houses owned by foreign nationals, need to register at the local police station within 24 hours of arrival in China to obtain the Registration Form of Temporary Residence.

In any of the following cases, the Registration Form of Temporary Residence should be updated:

1)There is any change to the individual’s address, passport, visa or residence permit;

2)Re-entry into China from abroad;

3)The Registration Form has expired.

International students who fail to undertake the following procedures in time will be treated as illegal residents.

6.When applying for a visa or residence permit extension, international students must first pay the insurance and tuition fees according to the university’s designated time frame.

7. For international students who have completed their studies and have more

than 30 days remaining on their visa or residence permit, they should go to the International Students & Scholars Center to apply for a shortening of their visa.

8. International students who drop out, take temporary absence or are suspended from the university must go to the International Students & Scholars Center to apply for a shortening of their visa.

9. After completing their studies, international students should leave China before their visa or residence permit expires. Residing in China after a visa or residence permit has expired is illegal.

10.If international students need to leave the university or Chinese borders for personal reasons and fail to complete the visa shortening procedure as required, the International Students & Scholars Center will apply at the Exit-entry Administration of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau for visa cancellation, and the international student themselves must bear all related consequences.

11. The university does not officially invite family members to accompany international students in China.

12. When an international student needs to process affairs related to stay or residence permits, he/she must first go through the International Students & Scholars Center of the university for examination of student status, and then follow the procedures prescribed by the Center. Direct application to the immigration authority by an international student himself/herself is not permitted.

13. Visa policies may change according to the law. The university processes all residence affairs following official notices provided by the Division of Exit & Entry Administration, Beijing Public Security Bureau.

1. 国际学生须按照中国政府相关法律法规的要求,持学习X1字签证、学习X2字签证或学习类居留许可在校学习。若国际学生持其他类型签证,可能无法正常在校学习,国际学生本人承担因此而导致的全部后果。

2. 国际学生在华办理签证和居留许可有效期不得超过学习期限。

3. 新生入学时,如持有的签证或居留许可已到期或者临近到期,学校不接受其报到注册,须自行去北京市公安局出入境管理局接受处罚。

4. 国际学生进入我校就读时,持有在中国境内其他学校办理的签证或者居留许可的,须持有上述学校开具的结束学习证明或者转学证明。

5. 国际学生在酒店、宾馆、涉外公寓、校内公寓等单位或者机构入住时,在接待单位处取得《临时住宿登记表》。国际学生在中国居民家中、驻华外国机构、在中国的外国人家中住宿,需在24小时内到居住地的公安派出所进行登记,取得《临时住宿登记表》。国际学生变动地址、更换护照、更换签证或者居留许可、出境后再入境,或住宿登记到期时,应当及时进行重新登记。国际学生未及时登记或未及时重新登记,即构成非法居留。

6. 国际学生办理签证或居留许可延期时,须先交纳保险费和学费,按照保险费和学费交纳的期限办理签证或居留许可延期。

7. 提前完成学业的国际学生,如签证或居留许可有效期超过离校日期30天以上,须向国际学生学者中心申请办理签证或居留许可缩签手续。

8. 国际学生发生退学、休学、停学的学籍变动,办理离校时,须向国际学生学者中心申请办理签证或居留许可缩签手续。

9. 国际学生结束学习后,应当于签证或居留许可到期前离境,否则即构成非法居留。

10. 国际学生因个人原因离校、离境,不按照要求办理签证或居留许可缩签手续的,国际学生学者中心将向北京市公安局出入境管理局申报签证宣废,国际学生本人承担因此而导致的全部后果。

11. 学校不邀请国际学生家属来校陪读。

12. 国际学生办理签证或居留手续,应当首先在国际学生学者中心核实学习状态,然后按照国际学生学者中心规定的程序办理。未经国际学生学者中心许可,国际学生不应当直接向公安机关出入境管理机构申请。

13. 签证政策依照国家法律规定可能会发生变化,学校以北京市公安局出入境管理局的正式通知为准执行各项签证政策。
